Friday, May 25, 2012

1 State, but 3 Countries - Jammu & Kashmir

One Dialog Which I liked the MOST

"Had they known that Jinnah was about to die, they'd have postponed India's independence by a few months as he was being inflexible on Pakistan" 
[It is said that when the viceroy of India at that point of time, Lord Louis Mountbatten, learned of Jinnah's ailment said this. Jinnah died at 10:20 p.m. at the Governor-General's House in Karachi on 11 September 1948, just over a year after Pakistan's creation.]

Really! really if our independence had rather got delayed by 1.1yr. The cost and wait would have been worthwhile of "1" UNITED INDIA.

Before Independence

America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed its own version of world facts.This fact book is regarded as a 'World Fact Book' by about 90% of the agencies around the world.