General talks on the way while going to office with Varsha... that last week of March I am full on leave and haven't planned anything... and the outcome comes out as an trip Ganpatipule extended to other beachful locations in Ratnagiri...
Below is the rough plan I laid. We were total 7ppl and had booked a tavera.
DAY 1 | ||||||||
FROM | TO | |||||||
Date | Time | Source | Destination | Time | Date | KMS | Duration (hrs) |
27-Mar | 5.00pm | Borivli | Govandi | 6.00am | 26-Mar | 36 | 1 | |
27-Mar | 6.15am | Govandi | Ganpati Pule | 2.15pm | 27-Mar | 326 | 8 | |
27-Mar | 2.15pm | Check in Hotel and Freshen Up | 3.30pm | 27-Mar | 0 | 1.5 | 1hr 30mins | |
27-Mar | 3.30pm | Hotel | Karhateshwar Temple | 4.05pm | 27-Mar | 23 | 0.5 | 35mins |
27-Mar | 4.05pm | Karhateshwar Temple | Jaigad Fort | 04.15pm | 27-Mar | 3.5 | 0.25 | 15mins |
27-Mar | 04.15pm | Jaigad Fort | 05.30pm | 27-Mar | 0 | 1.25 | 1hr 15mins | |
27-Mar | 05.30pm | Jaigad Fort | Malgud Beach/Keshavsut | 6.00pm | 27-Mar | 28.2 | 1 | |
27-Mar | 6.00pm | Keshavsut Smarak Enjoy Malgud Beach Sunset at 6.49pm |
7.00pm | 27-Mar | 0 | 1 | ||
27-Mar | 7.00pm | Malgud | Atharva Lodge | 7.15pm | 27-Mar | 1 | 0.16 | 10mins |
417.7 | ||||||||
DAY 2 | ||||||||
FROM | TO | |||||||
Date | Time | Source | Destination | Time | Date | KMS | Duration (hrs) |
28-Mar | 3.30am | Hotel - Wake up and Get ready | 4.30am | 28-Mar | 0 | 1 | ||
28-Mar | 5.00am | Attend Kakad Aarti and Ganpati Darshan | 6.30am | 28-Mar | 0 | 1.5 | 1hr 30mins | |
28-Mar | 6.30am | Break Fast in GP - Durvankur Hotel | 7.30am | 28-Mar | 0 | 1 | ||
28-Mar | 8.00am | Ganpati Pule | Pavas - Swami Swaroopanand Math |
9am | 28-Mar | 41 | 1 | |
28-Mar | 9am | Math Darshan | 10am | 28-Mar | 0 | 1 | ||
28-Mar | 10am | Math | Ganesh Gule Beach | 10.15 | 28-Mar | 5 | 0.15 | 10mins |
28-Mar | 10.15am | Explore-Enjoy Serene Ganesh Gule beach White Sand Unmanned |
11.00am | 28-Mar | 0 | 1 | ||
28-Mar | 11.15am | Ganesh Gule | Thiba Palace | 12.00pm | 28-Mar | 23 | 0.6 | 40mins |
28-Mar | 12.00pm | Explore Thiba Palace | 12.30pm | 28-Mar | 0 | 0.5 | 30mins | |
28-Mar | 12.30pm | Thiba Palace | Hotel Gopal* / Hotel Amantran* / Hotel Vivek |
12.45pm | 28-Mar | 1.3 | 0.15 | 10mins |
28-Mar | 12.45pm | NONVEG LUNCH | 2.30pm | 28-Mar | 0 | |||
28-Mar | 2.30pm | Lunch Hotel | RatnaDurg / Bhagwati Fort |
2.40pm | 28-Mar | 5.4 | 0.15 | 10mins |
28-Mar | 2.40pm | Explore Ratnadurg / Bhagwati Fort | 4.00pm | 28-Mar | 1.3 | 1hr 20mins | ||
28-Mar | 4.15pm | Ratnadurg Fort | Aare Waare Beach | 5.30pn | 28-Mar | 16 | 0.5 | 30mins |
1.5hrs Buffer - Tea Coffee | 0 | |||||||
28-Mar | 5.30pm | Enjoy Explore Aare
Waare Beach Best Sunset Point 6.49pm Sunset |
7.00pm | 28-Mar | 0 | 1.5 | 1hr 30mins | |
28-Mar | 7.00pm | Aare Ware Beach | Atharva Lodge | 7.15pm | 28-Mar | 9 | 15mins | |
100.7 | ||||||||
DAY 3 - 29 Mar 2013 | ||||||||
FROM | TO | |||||||
Date | Time | Source | Destination | Time | Date | KMS | Duration (hrs) |
29-Mar | Explore Prachin KoKan | 29-Mar | 0 | 15mins | ||||
Return Journey To Mumbai |
During the process of making the above plan I had literary googled and absorbed Ratnagiri Maps. My curiosity n eagerness had reached its peak for seeing all these places in person.
I am at home right now writing this blog this afternoon... but I really wish I was still in Ganpati Pule... as I still have 2 more days of holidays ... which I am going to spend at home now.
Finally the day came ... . My Mama and family had started at 5.30am from Borivli, picked my friend Varsha on the way and reached my home on time at 6.15am.
Adjusting the bags |
Cracking the Coconut before starting the journey |
We started from Govandi at 6.30am. It was the Dhulivandan day of Holi when ppl play with colors and all shops and hotels are closed.
प्रवास चालू झाला. माझी उत्सुकता अगदी peak var hoti. Everyone was feeling sleepy in the car as we started our journey too early in the morning. सगळ्यांना पाहते लवकर उठावं लागलं होतं. But माझ्या डोळ्यात झोप बिलकुल न्हवती. All time माझी नजर रस्त्यावार होती. Mumbai to Goa road - NH17 has been my attraction all time.
Actually in my childhood days I have travelled thru this way several times with my father and rest of my family. I remember Baba use to book a Matadoor / sumo and take our family to our native place in Adawali in Malwan. But तेव्हा मला काही कळायचे नाही. तेव्हा काय.. बस बाबा न्हेतायात म्हणून आपलं बसलो गाडीत आणि चाललोय.
But कळायला लागल्या पासून, मी NH17 वरून गेलेच न्हव्ते. २००९ आणि २०१२ मध्ये गणपतीत गेले होते गावी, but ते नवीन झालेल्या NH4 i.e. Mumbai- Banglore highway ने गेलेले.
Last time Nov 2012 मध्ये Mahabaleshwar ला गेलेले तेव्हा पोलादपूर पर्यंत पहिला होता हा रस्ता. आता मला पुढचा कशेडी घात आणि बाकी रस्ता बघायचा होता.
So now I noticed that till Poladpur I was familiar with the Road. I was judging the challeges of driving on this road ;-) Checking if ever I will be able to drive successfully on this road. :)
On the way my Sunil mama called up and based on this experience he said that we will reach Ganpati Pule by 3-4pm.... WHAT!!! I was shaken on listening that. My whole planning goes on a toss if we reach by 4pm. As per my pre-work and plan we must reach there by 2-2.30pm. So was totally on toes keep a tab on time. At the back of my mind I started preparing for - if we really reach there by 4pm then?? Then which places shud I be cancelling and which shud be visiting.
I had saved offline the Google map from Chiplun to Pawas. As I knew that Airtel network is bad out of mumbai. So I had just kept the GPS on and no data connection required.
We had breakfast at Vadhkhal naka, then by 10.15am we were at Poladpur. So far we were moving as per schedule.
Now from here I was keen to see the Kashedi ghat. How difficult or challenging it is. एकदा तरी Mumbai- Goa NH17 वर drive करायची इच्छा आहे. Kashedi ghat actually खूप मोठा आहे. May be
50+ kms. And also it is definitely challenging. Not a piece of cake. तसं तर NH17 before Kashedi ghat is also not a piece of cake.
Kashedi Ghat |
Kashedi Ghat |
In-fact कशेडी घात संपल्या वर आम्हाला जगबुडी नदी लागली आणि त्यात काहीच आठवड्या पूर्वी पदेलेली महाकाली travels chi bus पण आम्हाला पाहायला मिळाली. तिथे बरीच लोक गाडी थांबवताना दिसली. आम्ही पण थांबलो. लोक तिथे मृत्यू पावलेल्यांना श्रद्धांजली वाहत होते. ती बस तिथे अजून पण तशीच होती. बाजूलाच नदी च्या दोन्ही काठावर हिंदू स्मशान होते. आमच्या गाडीतले सगळे त्या नदी च्या bridge जवळ पाळले उत्सुकतेने. But मला तिथे बरोबर वाटले नाही. So I asked everyone to come back and we started the journey ahead.
After Khed we came across Parshuram ghat. Which is also fairly twisty and long, but not as much as Kashedi ghat. And while on Parshuram ghat, we get to see Chiplun and its Vashistha river. At around 12pm we got down at Chiplun at had our lunch. Then we started at 1pm our journey ahead to Ganpati Pule.
From here my estimate was that more 2hrs would be required. I was totally navigating using Google maps. I had marked all important places as Stars on the map on my mobile. I was keeping a tab on the right turn that we had to take from NH17 for Gapatipule(GP).
My mama and the driver knew the Nivli Phata road which goes to GP. But is too ahead and far off. Here using google maps I had found out a shorter path. After the Sangameshwar Rly Stn passes, and before the NH17 turns left over the bridge of Shastri river, there is a small unnoticeable right turn - the 'Asurde Dhingni Rd'. There is no board of GP over this road. But GP is just 41kms from this point. Only this the Road is just as wide as one vehicle can pass, it goes up and down with twists and turns but road condition is good. Remember you can max drive at a speed of 40km/hr on this road.
When we reached this point, my mama and the driver were not ready to trust me for that turn. They stopped and asked 2 ppl there at that point, if that road really went to GP as there was mo board on it. When both of them said YES and recommended that way, we driver finally took that turn :) Then when we turned right, there was a small board in a corner, which mentioned that GP is 41kms!!!
Now 41 kms was just another hour more. My excitement was building up. All of us were excited. by that time it was just 1.45pm. And now I was sure we will reach by max 2.30pm to GP now. As this was a shorter path.
IMP* - One should not/never take this road in the Night. Its risky, as it is narrow and very twisty.
Jaigad Khadi & bridge over it on the shorter path to Ganpatipule on the Asurde-Dhingani Rd. |
This road goes from inside the villages. Immediately you get to see the Jaigad waters entering the villages, beautiful ships in them. Then a bridge over the Jaigad khadi and you come on the side of the sea. आमच्या सगळ्यांचे डोळे समुद्र कधी दिसतोय ह्याची वात पाहत होती. Day time la हा रोड खूपच छान होता. I took some pics. सगळे खूप खुश होते, roadach इतका छान होता. एका डोंगरा वरून दुसरा डोंगर. वर खाली वर खाली हा road जातो. मस्त मजा येते. Bore होत नाही. गाडीत गाणी चालू होती. Finally हा रस्ता main State highway ला येउन join होतो. तिथून चाफे रोड ला जातो and now GP was just 15kms away from here. नजर सगळी कडे फिरत होती. समुद्र इथून दिसले कि तिथून दिसेल ... आता दिसेल कि नन्तर दिसेल ... ह्यचा शोध घेत होती.
माझे fav song lagle... "मी डोलकर दरिया चा राजा".... आणि तेवढ्यात दरिया दिसलाaaaaaaa :)
All were fully enchanted and excited. The view was rewarding after a 7+hrs long journey. सगळ्यांचा थकवा अचानक नाहीसा झाला.
बरोबर २.३०pm ला आम्ही आमच्या बुकिंग केलेल्या हॉटेल वर - "अथर्व लोज" वर पोचलो. I was happy that we were still on schedule. Atharva lodge is good. I will definitely recommend this lodge. Its economic and clean and only 15mins walking from the main temple. Its actually located at the end of GP near the ST stand at the start of Malgund connecting bridge.
Atharva Lodge where we stayed in Ganpatipule |
ST Stand/Depot of Ganpatipule which is just besides Atharva Lodge |
I gave everyone time of 3.30pm to rest refresh and come down. So that we can start for next plans.
I spoke to the hotel keeper there about the road, though I knew it already due to the google maps. Our 1st destination was Jaigad fort. The house keeper said that its just 15-20mins away from here.
Every one came down by 4 - 4.15pm and we started for Jaigad. O man... and the road to Jaigad and the views around is just superb. I had expectations from it, due to my pre work on google and reading of blogs about it, but it was more than my imagination.
There as several beaches on the way and small villages. Malgund is the primary one. All that I had spotted on google maps, I was seeing it now. मस्त वाटत होता. We reached Jaigad at 5pm.
At the Entrance of Jaigad Fort |
Jaigad Jetty/Bandar seen from Jaigad Fortort |
Jaigad fort as seen in above pics is fully ruined. But still worth a visit as its on the tip of Ratnagiri on one side totally on the sea side. From here we get to see the Jaigad Bandar as well. We spent around half an hour there and started out journey back.
On the way Karateshwar Mandir planned होतं. But it was already 5.30 and 6.49pm चा Sunset होता (this info I had already googled and noted down so that I dont be late on the beach).
And I had already seen the pics of this mandir and it was OK if I miss it, in comparison to the time I wanted to spend on the Malgund Beach.
Beach on the way from GP to Jaigad |
Beach on the way from GP to Jaigad |
Beach on the way from GP to Jaigad |
So we decided to skip the Karateshwar Mandir and started our journey back to Malgund beach.
On the Way back we took several halts in between for clicking the picturesque beaches. Finally we reach the Malgund beach by 6.10pm. We had 45 mins to enjoy on the beach before the sun would set.
Entrance way to Malgund Beach |
The Malgund sea |
Malgund Beach side |
Sunset at Malgund |
The serene Malgund Beach |
Malgund beach is THE BEACH. Not crowded. Very serene and tranquil. Not Dangerous. Infact I would call it Human-friendly :)
Water is very clear, sand is fine and literary NO KACHARA... on the beach. There were hardly any ppl on the beach other than our group.
मस्त पैकी पाण्यात गेलो. अगदी डुंबलो नाही. But गुद्ग्या पर्यंत पाण्यात गेलो. छान वेळ काढला. Sunset
पहिला. थोडी photography केली and निघालो.
येताना मग मालगुंड मध्ये केशव सुत स्मारक बघायला गेलो. But होळी च्या निमित्तानं ते बंद होतं. तरी पण आम्ही gate मध्ये शिरलो आणि जेवढा पाहता आले तेव्हढे पाहून घेतले.
Red Full Moon right in front of our hotel |
Enjoying the swing :) |
7.30pm पर्यंत आम्ही हॉटेल वर परत आलो. आता काय आरामाच करायचा होता. हॉटेल च्या अंगणात झोपला होता. मस्त पैकी त्यावर झुला झुलत वेळ घालवला. It was nice cool evening. समोरच पूर्ण लाल बुंद चंद्र उगवलेला दिसत होता. आणि मी मस्त झोपला झुलत होते. Nice... it was really nice. It was dark,... no body around... nice pleasant evening. Full moon right in front and I was living my dream... :) Small dream... I am very fond of swings... there was no one watching.. no small kids around in queue for the swing :P... it was only me and my friends Varsha... we both were quite and simply enjoying the Swing.
उरलेली संध्या काल छान गेली. मग 8.30pm ला आम्ही dinner साठी बाहेर पडलो. माझ्या भौजींच्या सख्या चुलत भावाचे तिथे हॉटेल आहे - हॉटेल सिद्धी. तिथे आम्ही गेलो. तिथे चं सुरमयी थाळी घेतली. त्यांनी पूर्ण बिल वर भक्कम discount दिले :) 10pm पर्यंत तिथे आरामात जेवलो आणि शत पावली करत हॉटेल वर परत आलो. परत येताना ice cream खाल्ले. ते हॉटेल - Hotel Spicy Tadka पण त्या भौजींच्या बावाचे partnership मध्ये होते. ते पैसे घेत न्हव्ते.तरी आम्ही जबरदस्ती पैसे दिलेत. Ice cream खात हॉटेल वर आलो. वैशू (माझी मामे बहिण) आणि माझे भौजी रूम वर गेलेत. मी आणि वर्ष परत खाली रात्री ११ पर्यंत झुला झुलत बसलो. दुसर्या दिवशी पाहते ची काकड आरती attend karaycha plan hota. 4am la uthayche hote. So we went to sleep.
Day 2 - 28th Mar 2013.
Pahate cha alarm vajla. Kasa basa uthlo doghi. Anghol karun tayar hoi paryant 4.50am jhalet. 5am chi Kakad aarti hoti. Ani amhi doghi chalat mandira paryant janar hoto. So it was clear that we were going to miss the Kakad aarti.
Amhi Doghich bhalya pahate nighalo. Rasta sumsaan hota. Kutra pan nhavta. Thodi bhiti vatat hoti. But me aadlya divshich hotel valya shi bolun confirm kele hote. And he had mentioned that it will be safe. GP madhe ashi kahi bhiti nahi aahe. So me daring keli actually. Finally 5.15am chya sumaras amhi doghi Mandirat pochlo.
The Ganpatipule sea waters lit in the Moon Light early morning at 5.30am. |
Ganpatipule Temple @ 5.30am |
Samudracha aawaj yeet hota and Full Moon agadi solidach samudravar chamkat hota. Amhi aat gelo tar guard la vicharlya var kalale ki Kakad aarti just sampali hoti. We just missed it.
Anyways... aarti che taat tithe hote... amla aarti milali... Pahilyanda GP chya Ganesh murti che Darshan jhale. Dongaracha ek kada... jo Ganpati sarkha disto... tyala sajavle hote...
Khupach vegle vatale pahun. I mean... kasa kay kuni hya shape cha shodh lavla...??? Nantar google karayche tharavle.
Tyaveli tithe Me Varsha ani ajun ekach manus hota... baki sagle Mandirache security and Pujari hote. Mala photo kadtana security ne pakadle ani mala photo delete karayla lavla... Me delete kela.
तिथे almost 15mins शांत बसलो ... आणि मग निघालो ... बाहेर आलो. मंदिर थेट Beach वरच आहे. So मंदिराच्या आवारातून समोरच समुद्र दिसतो... आणि पूर्णिमा असल्या ने Full Moon होता ... पांढरा फक्कड चमकत होता ... आणि त्याची किरणे समुद्राच्या लाटांवर चंदेरी चमकत होती. फक्त लाटांचा आवाज होता. आम्ही बाहेर गेलो प्रदक्षिणा मारायला. But तिथे अजून पण अंधार होता. So we came back.. and decided to go for it when sun rises.
Then we went on the beach. Again there some boys were there, and it was dark, so security reasons we both came back and sat in the Temple courtyard.
6am ला मी हॉटेल वर फोने केला आणि बाकीच्यांना उठवले. सगळे उठले होते. त्यांना 7 am पर्यंत मंदिरात यायला सांगितले.
मी आणि Varsha ने तो पर्यंत तिथे वेळ काढला. थोडा प्रकाश पडल्या वर आम्ही प्रदक्षिणा मारायला सुरवात केली. 1 km चे distance आहे. चीर्यांनी वाट बनवलेली आहे. So without चप्पल चालताना पायाला लागते. but ठीक आहे. I think 15 mins आमची प्रदक्षिणा complete झाली. मग परत दर्शन घेतले and देवळाच्या बाहेर पडत असताना काही बोर्ड्स आमच्या नजर्कीस आलेत. महत्वाची माहिती / instructions होते त्यावर. त्यात वाचले कि प्रदक्षिणा कशी अंड किती मारावी. So we learnt that देव असेल तर सम संख्या आणि देवी असेल तर विषम संख्येत प्रदक्षिणा मारावी. As गणपती हा देव आहे, आमची एक प्रदक्षिणा मारून झालेली आणि सम संख्या साठी अजून एक म्हणजे total २ मारायला हव्यत. So we both started. And this time in proper way as ,mentioned on the board.

त्या नंतर बाहेर beach वर आम्हाला उन्ठ दिसला. Me आणि varsha उन्ठावर बसायला गेलो. The most interesting part of a Camel ride is its takeoff and landing... baki ride mundane असते. But still we enjoyed it.
मग परत हॉटेल गेलो. तिथे नाष्टा केला आणि मग around १0 am ला निघलो. Heading towards Pawas.
Now this was my most awaited drive. Ofcourse I didnt drive. But I wish I was. This way from GP thru the AareWaare road passing parallel to the Sea and several beaches is a journey through the Ratnagiri Heavens.
We come across many mesmarizing views of Arabian sea and its beautiful beaches and bridges over it. Fishermen, their ships etc.. etc.. All the way 55kms stretch parallel to the sea most of the time... starting from the AAre ware beach, Bhatey beach other ratnagiri Beaches... its a total treat to simply drive on this road w/o marking any destination...
Finally we reached Pawas. There we saw the Swami Swaroopanand's Math. It was good. From there we bought a dozen of Hapus Mangoes for Rs700/dozen.
त्या नंतर plan मध्ये होते गणेश गुले beach. Yes...
I had read on the internet about it. It was located just 15 mins away from the Math as per Google Maps. आम्ही विचारात शोधत गेलो. तो beach एकदम गावाच्या आत आहे. खूपच आत. वाट पण बरोबर नाहीये. मी म्हटला म्हणून आपला सगळे आले. No one opposed :)
But आमचा बराच वेळ गेला. सरळ beach पर्यंत गाडी जात नाही. माझ्या हट्टा पायी सगळे त्या beach पर्यंत आलेत. आणि जेव्हा आम्ही Ganeshgule बेंच वर पोचलो आणि तो पहिला, It was no doubt untouched due to its accessibility issues, and its sand was surely white and finer. But it was dangerous. That beach is immediately deep. Unlike other normal beaches, which slowly very slowly start getting deeper as we go further inside water, this beach of Ganesh Gule is immediately deep. Just a very little distance ahead in front of us we could see a huge ship standing in water. So that gave us the indication how deep the sea was.
My mama, mami, mom got scared and didnt allow us inside. We were scared to. So we ourselves would not have got into the water.
But surely the sea water was dark blue, but the feeling was of fear there so we didnt wait much... and left the place for next destination.
Way to the Ganesh Gule beach above from inside the Village and below is the Beach
Ganeshgule Beach |
गुरुवार असल्या कारणाने आम्ही आमंत्रण मध्ये veg जेवलो. But this hotel is actually popular for its delicious Nonveg food.
After that next was Thiba Palace and Ratnadurg/Bhagwati Fort. But ppl in my group already seemed down due to heavy food and hot sun over head. But Thiba palace is only 1km from Amantran hotel. So I took them all there.
Thiba Palace |
Post that my Jijaji was not feeling well. So everyone wanted to go back to the hotel... :( Meaning no one wanted to goto Ratnadurg fort. I couldnt say anything. So I simply agreed with everyone and said bye bye to the fortification walls of Ratnadurg which were visible from a distance :(
Again our journey back to the hotel in GP was from the same enchanting route. We reached back hotel by 3.30pm. Till 4.30 all took nice sleep in AC rooms. Since Me and Varsha had woken up early in the morning we both too had a nice sleep for an hr.
Then by 5.15 we set out again. The original plan was to go to Aarey Waare beach which we had seen on the way to Pawas. But then we changed the plan and went to Ganpati Pule beach.
There again we sat over the Camel, spend some nice time. Saw the sunset and then walked back to the hotel room.
Again in the evening back on the swings spending out time in the nice evening in front of the full moon. Since it was thrursday we went to a Pure Veg hotel - Shir Sagar. Its popular hotel there in GP. There also this Jijaji's cousin brother had his influence and we got 15% discount on the food.
from 8.30 to 10.30pm we had nice dinner. Walked back to hotel room, had nice Paan in between. And again. Before going back to the room, me and Varsha spent some last few hours on the swing in the night, as next morning was our checkout.
Day 3: 29th Mar 2013
It was morning. Had nice sleep till 7am. 10am was our checkout. Had nice bath, breakfast and we checked out.
From there 1km away from the Hotel was 'Prachin Kokan'. The reviews on internet about this place werent great. So I had underestimated it. Rs.30 is its entry fee... and they make Guide compulsory and complimentary. They asked us to wait for the guide and we were not ready to wait as we had to start our return journey back to Mumbai. But the management insisted that we take the guide and didnt allow us inside.
Finally the guide who seemed to be a school/college going gal came. We laughed at her.. actually.. it was bad on our part. Due to my internet study of this place all others had also underestimated this place.
Full Family in the End when we finished seeing Prachin Kokan |
So by 10.45am we were out of Prachin Kokan. By 11am from there we started our journey back to Mumbai. Honestly I didnt wanted to go back. I felt like I ask these ppl to proceed ahead to Mumbai in Tavera... and I will ask Varsha to stay back with me iN GP. And we both could then travel back alone in ST to Mumbai by Sunday.
While returning our Driver didnt take that same shortcut which we took while coming to GP. We went the normal way, i.e. from State highway to Nivali Phata where it joins the NH17. Here it was definitely a longer cut.
Our journey back to Mumbai seemed never ending. It took us 11.5hrs to reach back. We faced many probs. A/C stopped functioning, so in Chiplun we first got that fixed. Then in Sangameshwar the Lunch took lot of time due to slow service. Then after Vadkhal naka the tyre got punctured and then before and at Vadhkhal we got LOT of traffic.. so on and so forth...
And we all had lost our patience.
Finally by 10.30pm We reached Govandi. And further ppl reached Borivli by 12.00am.
Anyways, however. I learnt and saw that no need to goto Goa. GP and Ratnagiri is no less than it. I would like to go there again and again. Infact would love to have a nice house in Malgund :)
As of now I am only cherishing the memories, reliving the times by browsing the pics again and again.