आज कित्त्येक वर्षा नंतर …. माझी झोपाळ्या ची इच्छा पूर्ण झाली.
हो. आपल्या घरात … आपल्या आंगणात झोपाळा असावा … त्यावर रात्री मस्त झुलावे … हवा सुटलेली असावी …. आ हा हा … काय प्रसन्न वाटेल …
असा मला नेहमीच वाटत आले आहे.
पण आपण काय छोटाश्या घरात रह्तो… कुठे लावणार झोपाळा … बाहेर पण लावला तर कुणी चोरून न्हेइल … आत लावायला जागा नाही … म्हणून माझा झोपाळ्या चे हे नुसतं स्वप्नाच आहे … आणि नवीन मोठे घर घेतल्या शिवाय ते पूर्ण होणार नाही असा मला वाटायचा.
पण कॉलोनी मध्ये रूम नंबर ६ आणि २, म्हणजे पाटील आणि भोसले ह्यांनी घरात चान झोपाळा आणला. तोः दोन जण बसू शकतील असा सोफ्य सर्ख. त्यांनी तोः पहिल्या रूम मध्ये टेवला आहे. त्यांनी तोः जेव्हा आणला तेव्हा मी खूप excited होते. आणि आपण पण असा घेऊ असा विचार केला. ही गोष्ट may be १० yrs आधी ची आहे. But आमच्या घरात जागा न्हवती. existing समान कमी केल्या शिव्या scope nhavta. समान कमी कधीच झाला नाही…. infact ते वाढतच गेला.
मग पाटील काकांनी घरा बाहेर पण झुला लावला.… मी त्यावर पण बसायला जायचे. मी म्हटला हे बेस्ट आहे. घरात अडचण आहे… तर बाहेरच लावू, But आमच्या घरा बाहेर जी shade बनवली होती ती ६ घराचांची मिळून सलग एक सारखी एकदम बांधलेली होति. आणि ती एका hanging झूल्या चा वजन पेलावाण्या इतकी मजबूत न्हवती. आणि आमचा घर मधेच होत. म्हणजे मी एकटीने ती shade बदलून मजबूत shade केली तर it will disturb others setting. so ते ही करण्या सारखे न्हव्ते. म्हणून मी पुन्हा मझ्या इच्छेला मुरड घातली.
तसा अद्धीचा कुणी कॉलोनी बाहेरून येउन चोरून न्हेण्या चा प्रश्न न्हवता कारण पाटील काका पाहिजे तेव्हा तोः झुला बाहेर hang करायचे आणि एरवी आत कोपर्यात तेवायचे. So that idea was good to implement. But anyways …. आता आमच्या shade चं obstacle आला.
आता सगळ्या ६ घरांनी shade बदलायला घेतल्या शिवाय ते शक्य न्हवता.
It was very sadning.
गेल्या वर्षी विचार केला जाउदेत बाकी च्यांची shade … I will disturb the pattern. Make my own new shade.. so as to hold the new hanging jhula. But I didnt do anything. Just thought and kept quite.
And finally this year... I suddenly saw .. that now all 6 houses will be changing the shades again together. But again I heard that same quality railing and bars will be used, only height of shade will be increased. But that was not suitable for my jhula plan. So I quickly announced that I will be making a different shade and railing so as to hold the jhula. So I explained everything to Amar.. that guy who had come to build the shade.
He said Yes yes to everything I explained to him.
I was so happy.. that finally my long pending wish will be coming true soon.
One weekend I went out with Amey and roamed 100kms from Tilak Nagar to Airoli to Panvel to kharghar to belapur to Vashi... to find Swing Chairs...
And I finally had liked the one in Panvel which costed only 1500.. it was a 2 pillow wala threads ka swing chair.. to hang it over a string.
But when the shade building took place, I was in office. And in one day, he complete the work of putting railings. To my shock, when I came home at night, I saw that he had put those same railing, which cannot hold the weight of a swing chair, only thing he has increased the height of it :(. I was totally upset. Immediately I started getting upset on my mother, that how come she allowed him to put this... why didnt she stop him... I had explained everything.. how I wanted things to happen.
My Mom explained that she noticed it, and also mentioned to Amar. But Amar explained to Mom that after this also he can put the strong railing, so my mom kept quite. I even told mom that why didnt she ring my mobile and inform me when things were getting wrongly done here.. I would have spoken to Amar on phone. .. BLA BLA BLA....
Amey came.. I even got upset on him. I asked him to call AMAR at that very moment. It was past 10.30pm in the night. Still Amey called and gave me the phone. I banged Amar on the phone that night about the blunder he had done...in spoiling my dream of finally having a jhula outsite my house. I called Amar at 9.30am next morning... so that I can meet him.
That night I was very upset.... felt like now it wont happen. Its again gone out of scope. :(
Morning arrived... Amar arrived... and I started. ... Bechara Amar... I was really bad with him. How dare he put these railing ...
He tried to explain me that he will do this he will do taht.. bla bla bla....
Kuch bhi...
now He was suggesting all patch work solutions.. which were ugly.
Anyways then after an 1 or 2hrs of arguements.. and several options as to how we still make it happen.. nothing fruitful came up.
And finally Chetan came to my help.
Chetan asked me what happened.. I explained him.. and then Chetan suggested how it can be still done...
We decided to put two think beams seperately, 1 horizontal and other vertical to hold the jhula... everything got decided and then we spoke of the extra cost for it.
And this guy Amar said... it will be 5.5K to do all this extra work.... and my eyes and mouth left open...
चार आण्य ची कोंबडी आणि बारा आण्या चा मसाला …. हे असाच म्हटला मी .
The swing chairs that I was targetting to buy costed around 15ooinr in Panvel... and to hang it I spend 5.5K????
kuch bhi.
So after eating head of Amar ... for almost 3hrs ... now.....I tell himm... LET IT BE... DONT DO ANYTHING!!!!!
Chetan told me... better you get swing chair with STAND. That is better.. it will require no work. But I was not so much in for it at that time.
But later in next few days... I started googling for Swing chairs WITH STANDs...
Those costed high. The stand itself costed 5-6k. And then the swing on it. But then I did find some options which ranged from 3k to 7k. And now in some more days... I had prepared my mind to spend that much.. because o/w..... if not the stand.. then the beam work was anyways going to cost 5k.
Hence, I short listed few swing chairs online from OLX. One was second had.
This was 3yrs old... sold on olx for 6.5k. |
This for 7k |
And this for 4,750 |
So short listed above. Spoke their owners..
Then I had also seen more on Jabong. And FabFurbish... etc....
Daily night I came home... and google for Jhulas...
Then I also saw some awesome swing chairs.. which were worth 15k and above. They were good but out of scope for me.
Chetan told me that I can get good swings in Ghodbander Road, Ulhas Nagar and Nashik Road. I had to go there.. but was not getting time.
Finally Finally Finally....
I asked Chetan what He was doing. He said nothing. So I told him.. that lets go to nashik Road, and get the swing. He asked me that only window shopping? or I will be actually purchasing. I said If I like it, will buy it. So we decided to start after lunch.
Amey had 2nd shift, so He was out. And also if I liked swing and I buy I it, then to get it in ritz, I wanted back seat to be empty, so only 2 ppl could go.
So Chetan and I started post Lunch. Chetan said that we will first go to Ghodbander Rd, if not liked there, then we will go further. I was ok with it.
I said in the mind while driving .... I hope... I wish.... Swing Chair comes home today :) Amen!
We reached the Tikujini Wadi lane. There are many shops there. We parked the car at one stop and walked to all shops in a row. I was not hopeful to find it there. in first few shops there were not jhulas. I said we are wasting time. But as we proceed ahead, I saw the exotic jhulas which I saw on internet for costs above 15k.
After going thru all shops... we reached second last shop. In which he quoted the SP as 13.5k. which was far less then 18k quoted by first shop for the same swing.
I liked the swing. It was awesome. It was one of those which I thought were out of scope for me. And now I was bargaining for the same.
I asked him for 9k but he asked when will you be buying. I said NOW! he thought further.. and last price he said 11.5k with no delivery, as I said I will be taking in my Ritz.
So we left the shop and moved to next.. we still saw one more swing in next shop, but I had the earlier in my mind. So we came back, and I again bargained with same man.. to give it to me for atleast 10k.
I knew the swing price was good. It was a good swing, with Quilt and neck rest and height adjust It was imported made of fibre weaving over metal skeleton with Stand to hang it.
Finally we agreed for 10.5k....
AND!!!!!! THERE WAS MY WISH COME TRUE.... hushssssssssssssssss........ was a sigh!
Got it home, Chetan assembled it.... And the queue began...
I am really Thankful to Chetan ... as he helped me achieve my wish..my dream.. which was pending for yrs...
Below is what I bought. Isn't it beautiful?? :)
And below are my FB Updates :)
Everyone who came to see the swing, I asked them to sit on it, and took pic.. and here it goes. :)
[L-R] Surve Aayee, Me, My Mom |
[Top L-R] Shubham Room3, Shubham with his mom Room3, Chetan [Bottom L-R] Navratne Mummy with Manas Room17, Vinu Room6, Pancham F7 cly |
Manas the Great! Initially he was scared to sit on it, later he was not ready to get out of it. So we had to pick him out :) |
[Top L-R] Pushpa Bhabi Room5, Aditya Room17, Nidhi Room6 & Manas, Chayakai Room6 [Bottom L-R] Chaya kaki, Nidhi, MAnas, Devansh Manas, Apoorva Manas, Devansh Manas |
[Top L-R] Hurpika Family F2 Cly, Nidhi Room7, Me and Devansh, Pravin Bholse Fly F7 Cly, Neha Room11 [Bottom L-R] Meenakshi Vahini Room11, Sanju Kaka Room11, Mamta Vahini Room11, Rugveda Rutvija Room18, Supriya Kaki Room 18 |
Last but not the least... Amey my bro comes back from office 2nd shift.. and enjoys and liked the Swing. |
I am so Glad.. that all these people above from our colony, shared and double my joy!!! :)
Finally a dream a wish come true.
I am sitting on the same swing chair.. and writing this blog tonight. Since 4pm to night I have been sitting on it. People suggested that I even sleep on it today :) LoL
Love the swing. Mere Swing ko kisi ki najar na lage :P Amen!!!!