Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Singapore Diaries - Driving Patience n Discipline

While I am awake sitting in the balcony, trying to acclimatise to Singapore clock at 1.30am...

Listening to music,
Missing the absent,
Staring at the empty silent signal junction right opposite,

Remembering the busy roads of Mumbai...
Especially the ever busy airoli Nahur bridge junction visible from our Nahur home window, Roads which are never left alone by its speedy running traffic anytime late night....
And the blinking signals post 11pm for not to be followed by traffic so late night...

Suddenly here one car comes at the signal junction from right side road n stops... I wondered why?
And the Signal turned GREEN and the ONLY LONELY Car on the road moved ahead ......

Ufffff yeh discipline hajam nahi Hoti......kudu kya abhi bahar...... &#@&#&@&-+$+#&@

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